
Final Parade For 2012 And Special Awards.

On Saturday 15th Dec 1st Wodonga Scout Group had their final parade for the year.
 It was opened by Assistant District Commissioner Simon Marks.

The Cubs then received their Bronze Boomerang badges and a science badge from the Branch Commissioner for Cub Scouts John Kerr. 
 Group Leader "Skip" then handed out to the entire group their "Their Service, Our Heritage" badges:

Then came the presentation of the Cubs Akela with her Woodbadge and Gilwell Scarf for having completed her training to the highest level.

Wood bead necklace




The woodbadge presentation was by Branch Commissioner for Cub Scouts John Kerr.

The Gilwell scarf presentation was by Assistant Branch commissioner for Adult Training and Development Jan Kerr:
She then reaffirmed her Leaders promise: 
 Was awarded some certificates:
 Saluted her Cub pack:
 After the main ceremonies were completed another presentation was made by the group when they awarded her new baby with his own tiny 1st Wodonga scarf.
 1st Wodonga Scouting Group:
 1st Wodonga Scout Group with special guests.
 Finally, after lunch another special guest arrived and was welcomed with open arms.


Joeys Complete Their Badges

On the 11th of December the Joeys were awarded the Adventure badge for the work they had done. For two of the three that meant they had completed all four badges that they can work toward, a great achievement as they prepare to link up to their next level in becoming Cubs.

They first conducted their final parade for the year with a loud "Help Other People!"

They were then awarded their Adventure Badges

 And finally they were given a "HOP" Badge for their camp blankets.
 Congratulations to them all.