
First Parade At New Hall

As part of the Christmas break up celebrations on 13th December 2013, our Group Leader was able to organise access to the new hall being built so that the group can conduct it's first parade at the new location.

The group gathers. The new entrance will be on the left hand side.

 The group flags on display:
The Group Leader explains the layout to some parents.  The entrance and foyer is directly behind them.
Standing in what will be one of the meeting rooms:
The rear of the building and camp storage roller door entrance.
 The rear corner of the building which will have the kitchen in the corner.
 Parade is called:

The flag is broken for the first time on the new location.

 Merit badges were presented to the Joeys:
 Also to the cubs:

 A very special presentation of the Grey Wolf was then made to one cub who had worked very hard to earn it. 
Receiving his certificate
 The Cub Pack gives him a final "Woof"
 Our committee President explains some of the hall to everyone
The flag is then lowered

 Then a special guest arrives

Then it was off to Les Stone Park for a BBQ tea and lots of fun.


Scouts At HeadOf The Mitta Mitta (HOMM)

Our scout group again attended the annual Head Of The Mitta Mitta (HOMM) camp at Tallangatta.

Whilst they didn't win
any trophies this year, many important skills were honed and lessons learned whilst having a great deal of fun.


Venturers Trivia Night

To raise some independent funds for their own activities the 1st Wodonga Venturers were given the task of organising and running their own trivia night at the scout hall.

It was well supported by the parents and friends.

There was food


Good times had by all
An excellent and well run night by the Venturers.


Venturers At Border Relay For Life

1st Wodonga Venturers organised for a team from 1st Wodonga Scouting Group to participate in the Border Relay for Life. 

We all went out to where the event was to be held over the weekend on Friday 25th Oct, to help set up our site with tents and shelters. 
On Saturday 26th Oct, We arrived at 9am, and took part in the opening ceremony and then started to complete our laps. During the day lots of activities were held some commemorative and some just for the fun of it. We dressed up in silly costumes and showed that scouts take part in a different variety of things in the community. 

We raised $753- for the cancer council to do more research & maybe find a cure.

The start of the ceremony:
  Doing the walk:

 Baloo with a Minion:
 Morning shot of Venturers:
 Evening shot of whole group:
 Evening shots of Venturers:

1st Wodonga Scout Group put their thoughts on their hope bags:
