
Welcome Statement

This post will remain at the top. For updated posts, view below.

Welcome to the 1st Wodonga Scout Group blog. 
We are currently located (as of 21 July 2014)in our new home in Kelliher Avenue, Whitebox Rise Estate.  Seen below:

 Having moved from our temporary home in the former Silva Drive Pre School (seen below), in Silva Drive.

We currently run a Scouts group (ages 11 to 15 years) on Monday nights (during school terms) from 6.30-8.30 pm. Joeys (ages 6 to 8 years) is on Tuesdays between 6.30 -7.30 pm.  Venturers Group(15 to 18 years) meeting on Wednesdays between 7pm and 9 pm and finally our Cubs (ages 8 to 11 years). We also have a small Rovers (ages 18 to 26 years) section which meet regularly. 

 Our scarf colours are: 

The photo's below are of our former long term residence at Reid Street, Wodonga, Victoria. Opposite the Wodonga RSL and Vietnam Veterans Club, the site of which has now been transformed into the new Quest Apartments in Wodonga.   

Our former facilities may have been described by some as a little "rustic", however we are now in our new facilities developed for us by Wodonga Council. 
This was our main scout hall:

This was the "T.W. Mitchell" Venturers Den (named after former Member for the state seat of Benambra and former scout leader Tom "Beaver" Mitchell), that was most recently used by our Joey's:
Our Bundara Rover's Den was in a former life was the Bandiana Military Post Office. It was donated  when it was no longer needed by the Army and became for a period the Girl Guides Hut.  Once the Guides left to their own facilities it became the Rover's Den:
This was our fire pit and back yard for conducting camps and Jamborees:

A demonstration of some of the skills that our Scouts learn:
But our Rover, Venturer, Scout, Cub and Joey' s groups are about more than just tying knots, they are about having fun and making friends. As the posts below will show will show.
We are always keen to have new members and welcome enquiries.
Our Group Leader Greg Spann can be contacted on 0400 592 824 or leave a text. He can also be contacted via our email at 1stwodongascouts@gmail.com. We also have a Facebook page.
We hope to see you soon.