
Cubs Aim For Space Badge

In term 3 the Cubs were working towards their Space Badge level one.  They started off with a night of observations.

They got to see the International Space Station fly over from the South South East to the East for 3 minutes. Using the NASA Human Space Flight site to find when it was flying over.

They then were given a talk about the Milky Way and what to expect when looking for stars.They then went out and using pin hole planetariums found many of the constellations up that night:
They were also fortunate to have a visiting lecturer who set up his telescope and they were able to view Saturn, the Moon, and even distant galaxies. They also talked about how to find the Southern Cross in the sky and the two methods of finding South by using the Southern Cross.

Method 1

Method 2

As another part of working towards the space badge the Cubs and invited Scouts got to go to Albury's Laser Tag where much fun was had.