
History - 1950's

The 1950's saw the 1st Wodonga Scouts continue to grow in size.  There were now four patrols, named: Eagles, Kookaburras, Rosellas and finally the Kingfishers (which was the last to be formed).  Up to 1954 the scouts continued to meet at the Church of England Hall in Church St. Wodonga, then (and the reason is unclear) they were suddenly asked to meet elsewhere.  The Hall in Reid St. was still not completed at this point in time and so another venue was used.  That venue was the cattle pavilion at the Wodonga Show grounds.  More often than not, however, the Scouts and newly formed Cubs were forced to once again meet in the open air.

Other developments in the 1950's included in 1950 David Mann (1st Wodonga Scouts early leader and its first Kings Scout) being appointed as Acting District Scoutmaster. 

Also in 1950 The Reverend A.R. May ( who's Church the Scouts had been meeting in since 1948 raised the first Cub Pack in the 1st Wodonga Scouting Group and became its first Cubmaster.

In 1952 Mr. Tom W. Mitchell became the Head District Scout Master but continued his close association with 1st Wodonga.  He was a champion snow skier and was the first ever person to represent Australia in skiing internationally.  As a result one of the skills he passed down to the scouts during this time was how to make their own skis out of wood. 

In 1955 as the New Hall was nearing completion the Wodonga Rotary Club chose as their first project the creation of the arch and gates at the entrance of the new hall.  A memorial plaque commemorates that event in 1955.

In 1956 the new Scout and Guide Hall was opened and a Permissive Occupancy was issued to the site that the hall was to sit on was issued:
 By 1957 the Scout troop was again being run temporarily by senior scouts as the two Scoutmasters Roy Hemple and A. Wilson had both retired (although both shared supervision of the Scout troop until a new leader was found).
David Mann despite his promotion to Acting District Scoutmaster maintained a close association with 1st Wodonga and the following is an extract from his notebook of the Bogong Trip at Easter each year. 
The following is and couple of examples of the personal records kept on each member so that they could track what skills each had been taught and what they still required to do in order to rise to the next level.

The following is examples of the type of certificates issued to members of both Scouts and Cubs when they joined during the 1940s and 1950's.  As can be seen they were very ornate in their design and contained the promise of each group on the bottom of the certificate: