
Joey's Special Investment

On the second last week of term 2, the 1st Wodonga Joey group invested their newest member.  Whilst all investments are special, this one was a little more so because the young Joey was presented his District Badge by one of his grand fathers (who was a Queens Scout and former Group leader of the 2nd Wodonga Scouts and the current District Treasurer) and his scarf by his other grandfather (who was also a Queens Scout and former Group and Cub Leader of the 1st Wodonga Scout Group). 
Reciting the Joey Promise:
Current 1st Wodonga Group Leader "Skip" presents the scouts badge.
 Presented the District Badge by his Grandfather and District Treasurer.
 "Skip" presents his 1st Wodonga badge
 Presented his scarf and woggle by his other Grandfather and former 1st Wodonga Group Leader.
 Welcomed to the Joey troop with the traditional handshake.
 A celebratory hug with his Dad(who was also a former Queens Scout).