
Cub Pack Holiday At Euroa 23rd to 25th March 2012

Over the Christmas break the Akela completed her courses and became fully qualified to run Cubs.  So she was keen to take them camping as soon as possible. On the weekend of the 23rd to the 25th of March they had a Cub Pack Holiday combined with 1st Riddells Creek Cub pack in the Euroa caravan park.  The camp had a Bush Ranger theme.
The excited Cubs were very keen to get going on the Friday night.
 And had their tents already set up when they arrived in Euroa.
 Riddells Creek provided the kitchen and eating facilities.
 Settling in for breakfast on Saturday morning.
 At night they got to sit around the camp fire.
On the Saturday the cubs were broken up into four groups called Ben Hall's Bunch, the Kelly Gang, Gardiner's Gang and Captain Moonlight's Mob. 
 They played a game of "steal the gold" where they had to steal corks (gold) from each others buckets or the central bucket.

 The two games were won by Captain Moonlight's Mob and Gardiner's gang.
Later they  made special Ned Kelly woggles:

Played Crab soccer:

 Then went on a walk into Euroa.
They visited interesting places such as the 2nd Euroa National Bank which was robbed of its money and gold by the Kelly Gang (the real one, not the Cub one) in 1876.
Other things of interest included the "Kelly Clock."
Got a history lesson:

 After returning to camp they were attacked by Bush Rangers:

The Bush Rangers escaped: 
The Cubs then got to take aim at the leaders:
On the Sunday the Cubs got to make their own gold nuggets:

They also cooked their own lunch in some camp ovens that they had built.
Hot Dogs for everyone: 
 Wow....They're hot!
 Yummy too!

Then it was time to pack up and come back home (stopping at McDonald's Glenrowan for a soft serve ice cream along the way).
The parents in Wodonga picked up some very tired, but very excited Cubs.  There were many stories told about the camp and the fun they had that night.