
Old Hall Last Hurrah Sunday Night 15th April 2012

On the evening of the 15th April 2012 the 1st Wodonga Scout group had a celebration to see off the old hall with a BBQ and a Bonfire where marshmallows were toasted for dessert.
 The Master Chef was hard at work, whilst the servers waited with a smile:
 Former and current leaders were present on the night:
 Everyone was enjoying the food.
 Soon it was time to light the Bonfire:
 It was soon too warm to sit too close:
 A small part of the old building that had fallen off was ceremonially burned:
 The parents and leaders chatted:
 While the kids enjoyed the dancing flames:
 A last look at the old Hall as she passes into the pages of history.
 And so a new chapter begins in the life of the 1st Wodonga Scouting Group.....